Movements and Freedoms

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After long discussions over what freedoms can look like, we wanted to trace paths of Native Americans to see if these people had their freedoms before and after colonization.

On this website we have placed a map that goes through the Cherokee and Iroquois nations ways of living before and after colonization in present day America.

Check out the Testimony tab, which goes over present debates and issues with Native American representation in todays society.

Acknowledge the Native Americans, of Indigenous Peoples, and their struggle.

The sad reality is this struggle is often overlooked in most education and schools. The treatment of the Native American tribes is simply something most of our government, textbooks, teachers, and schools refuse to acknowledge; that is that the Native Americans were severely affected by our colonization and our “Manifest Destiny”.

Another aspect of our project was to attempt to focus primarily on the Cherokee and Iroquois tribes. Since textbooks and teachers normally focus on the European point of view, the Indigenous, Native American view often becomes overlooked and forgotten. However, by not showing both sides of the history, we, as a society, are not honoring the lives of the tribes nor understanding the true historical picture.

The website hopes to illustrate to you the change in lives that Native Americans faced due to the Europeans arrival to the country. 

Understanding History

We want the audience to leave the presentation having a better understanding the country’s history. Though this understanding may not be all-positive and patriotic, it offers a more complete viewpoint on the history of European colonization and the treatment of Native Americans that many U.S. citizens may not have fully been taught growing up.

The current events tab will hopefully pull in your attention and provide examples that are still revelevant today given this topic. We include the twitter posts from Donald Trump, current Native American mascot debates, and the interview with Marlon Brando. These examples provide a practical example of how this topic is still relevant in today’s world. These examples provide an ongoing dialogue of Native American’s rights and freedoms through history and to consider their views on topics that are still debated today.

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